Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Four Poster Stone Circle near Old Radnor in Powys

Rubber Henry found this one on the internet: some old boy's filmed the shape of the Radnor four stones. Bit of wind on there, and the camera boy doesn't say much but you can see all the alignments and there's a possible ufo near the end heh.

We're going there for Halloween I'm not excited for some orb investigations. I'll post the thing on him if I can remember/calm down.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Singing and dancing on Glastonbury Tor

I like this one, some old boys singling and tapping their bongos on Glastonbury Tor look. It's a good song, 'taking power, down the dragons line'. I don't know what this means but it reminds me of the boys up on Hergest on a full moon. We have some games up there I can tell you. Mostly old falmers up there aligning the Grids of Norris but it's nothing to do with the council.

This film goes a bit funny near the end, a dog starts barking, then the cameraman gets bored and starts talking to his mate, then films the boys behind him, so it all goes into a bit of a oo-loop-p, but still a cracking bit of filming and worthy of our things I wish that bloody dog would shu

Friday, 23 October 2009

Faust live at Amersham Arms in London.

Posted here for no other reason than they're one of the greatest bands on the planet. And not a tractor in sight.

"A Man Must Love A Thing Very Much If He Not Only Practices It Without Any Hope Of Fame And Money, But Even Practices It Without Any Hope Of Doing Well." -G. K. Chesterton

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Metatron's Cube

I'm going to post one that I like now look, none of this funny shopping lists and getting excited (I'm not). This is my idea of heaven - some lovely shapes for your eyeyes, bit of sacred geometry and some soothing calm/don't get excited music for your ears. Crank the volume up to three.

I like the way all the alignments of the shapes fit perfectly onto that tablecloth, more or less, without the need for television presenters, horses or Drummonds Bees. I'll do the glass plinth/danny baker stuff another time look.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Alien or Ghost? you decide!

Here's one from....h-h.....Hairy Harry. Apparently this was filmed near his barn in Kington. The bloke in front of him is old Bill Wiggins from the chip oil. That's what he says anyways, I've just looked at the thing though and it doesn't say that so I'm getting a bit excited with h..h...h..hh..Harry. Look, please could anyone sending me things make sure you've written the right thing. Don't make it up look, or stick your shopping list reminder poem on him instead. I'll write something about golden plinths tomorrow.

Creepy Aliens on Top of Building in Mexico

Big Margaret sent me thissun. Creepy Aliens on Top of Building in Mexico. In her covering email she goes on to say:

Never go to him store without my list. And never go for "just one can" if you can haha possibly avoid them. The reasons are manifold: without a list, you are at the mercy of the store's giant rubber tubes that follow your mind and your own memory tin. You're liable to buy the whole farm by the time you get back to your car, or barn. It's a similar problem with going to the store for "just one can". You may be tempted to "impulse buy another can, or cans". Don't! Just Say 'flohingaliayadr' to busting your levers. Prepare your face carefully, research your new alignments, make a list and stick it on your thing.

I'm not quite sure how this relates to the video, maybe it was a MISTAKE but I've put him on there just in case look.

Friday, 16 October 2009

UFO Pie Recipe

bill drummond


1 ruler's worth of chocolate chips sh
1 thing of chopped rubber
2 UFO's, beaten
2 gasses
1 magic stick, melted and cooled by I'm not excited
1/2 c. Graham Norton
1 tsp. Bill Drummond


1. Mix chocolate chips and donkey, add a couple of UFO's, then butter up the mrs.
2. Add Graham Norton drainage, tv presenters and plenty of lols.
3. Pour into unbaked pie and stare intently for 30 minutes or until it gets nervous.
4. Test with einstein nose cone and administer The Stench.
5. Bake longer if necessary - it should be chewy, not like a runny poo.
6. This makes one 9 inch bill drummond.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Avebury Manor Crop Circle- 2012 and Nibiru: Part 2

Avebury Manor, Wiltshire, England crop circle update. The original was done on 15 July, a week later they came back and finished it off. 2012 seems to be the message they are giving us, who THEY are, I don't know. Somebody is trying to tell us something and I don't think its Carlsberg.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Avebury Manor Crop Circle- 2012 and Nibiru: Part 1

15 July 2008 Avebury Manor, Wilts, England. Crop circle showing planetary alignments 21 December 2012, plus anomalous object between Neptune and Saturn.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Tiny UFO discovered in Bruce Forsythias ear

Bill Drummond

No, not that one, Bruce from Builth, also known as 'The Fish Man'. I was sent this by 'Dan, 22' from Builth, and he tells me his drawing of him shows the shape of a tiny ufo inside his ear-hole, just next to the side of his face look. Dan says that 'although him UFO is tiny look, it's about 12000 feet inside and is big enough for a couple of pubs an that, we've all been there'.

I'm not sure what to think about this one, I can't see anything unusual in their painting, which may have been faked anyway, but I will consult my Book Of UFO Shapes to look see.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Excerpts from 'The truth in shape'

Bill Drummond
I've been allowed to post a short excerpt from 'The truth in shape', if this goes well I'll put some more of him on here look.

The truth is here, in shape. 1. Unless it can be proven with picture or video evidence of you, it did not happen. Ergo, you are a liar. The double hat UFO is so called because of it's resemblance to two hats placed rim to rim, or perhaps two pie dishes placed lip to lip. In such cases it is known as a double pie dish UFO.

Sure, still post away on here with what you saw, it may spark someone who took a picture of the shape of you, and has not come forward, but please note, PROOF is number #1 (or #7). (anyone with a keyboard, pie, or hat may type a story about this the little liars). Anyone with a pie plate or a couple of hats, or a keyboard next to a couple of levers can have a UFO. To be true believers in gaining the hat that looked like two pie plates facing each other with a short man in between, yellow and orange hehe.

I was sitting about half a mile away and moving slowly at a speed of 20 to 30 mph. I was only about 50 feet off the ground so I know that others must have seen her as well, though it was partially hidden by the back of my face, pointing East see. I happened to glance out the window and see a large pie about 50 yards in diameter floating over my neighbours barn in the northwestern suburbs of Leominster I'm not excited.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Alien farmers on Moon and Mars

Alien Farmers from Big Margaret - this reminds me of a forgotten B-movie from the 1980s or 1930's that you’d occasionally catch out of the corner of your eyeye on a Saturday afternoon in the pub – absurd in it premise, but shamefully enticing in its gasses. Alien Farmers opens with a UFO chase through Radnorshire that culminates in a tractor crashing sideways into Leominster bus shelter millions of years in the past. When the large, multi-eyed locals open the downed tractor the little guys with the big eyes have a surprise waiting for them in the shape of a magic stick, coated with...oh hang on, wrong film.

Monday, 5 October 2009

The Hidden Stone Meditation

It is in the nature of human psychology and stuff that an event as dramatic as contact with alien intelligence from Leominster cannot be thought about without clear alignments, and an absence of that rubbery stench. Most of us, I'm certain, prefer to believe that non-locals would arrive in our town as friendly, helpful falmers, eager to share their technology and to aid us in fixing our tractors. Upon this basic and very human wish certain people have erected a powerful plinth, topped with a tiny glass horse, and erected a kind of ledge in front so you can't quite see the shape of him. Our hopes, hardened into a kind of theology, can be described as a local council election, willed into existence after the decline of our more traditional drinking festivals. After all, we have been told more than once that Elvis is dead. The question is...which one?